Thursday 24 April 2014

Welcome to Wonderland

Hello fellow fangirls, I'm Isabel and I am going to be posting book reviews and other fangirl things. Every 1-2 weeks I finish a book and when I have finished it I will review the book so you book worms can know what I think and we can fangirl together if you have already read it or you can buy the book if it sounds good. I read lots of different types of books but if you want me to read a specific book message me the title and author and I will purchase it and post my review ASAP. Thanks for reading and be sure to read more on my blog.


  1. Hi there! Welcome to the book blogging community, I'm a newbie here as well :) I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the infernal devices after the readathon, have you read the mortal instruments series?

    1. Can't wait for the read-a-thon. Yes I've read them and I LOVE them. Thankyou for commenting and I checked out your blog and it looks good so far. Looking forward to more of your posts.
